The Performance Apparel Design Lab is a group of researchers at Cornell University working on developing wearable solutions and studying functional garments, with a focus on inclusive design approaches.
News & Media

Professor Park has received the Community-Engaged Practice & Innovation Award from the Einhorn Center for creative, innovative community engagement.

Research & Design
CNY Central is airing the story on the work of Prof. Park and Tulasi Elangovan (M.A. ’23), a former lab member, with the Cornell hockey team to develop better chest protection for female athletes on their NBC and CBS affiliates.

Design Tech
Introducing the Department of Design Tech at Cornell University - a multicollege, transdisciplinary initiative pioneering innovation, research, and teaching on topics at the intersection of design and emerging technology.
Kong, D., Lin, A,, Melissas, A, Stull, J., & Park, H. (2024). Design Considerations for Protective Boots for First Responders to Hazardous Materials Incidents. Applied Ergonomics (Impact factor: 3.661). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apergo.2024.104341
Lin. A, Kao, C, & *Park, H. (2024). A Modular Framework for Smart Garment Design. Clothing and Textile Research Journal (Impact factor: 1.9)
Maher, M., Du Puis, J., Goodge, K., Park, H., & Frey, M. & *Baytar, F. (2024). Cloth Face Mask Fit and Functionality for Children 4-6 Years Old – Part III: Fit and Sizing, Fashion and Textiles (Impact factor: 2.54)
Kong, D., & *Park, H. (2024). Ideological and cultural aspects of South Korea through the Lens of Fashion: Golf Apparel. 2024 International Conference of Fashion Business, Seoul, S. Korea.
Kong, D., & Park, H. (2024). Custom Image Segmentation Using YOLO-v8 to Extract Reference Points of Pants Front Panel. 2024 International Conference of Clothing and Textiles, Jeju, S. Korea.
Park, H. (2024). Application of Nudge Theory. 2024 International Conference of Clothing and Textiles, Jeju, S. Korea.
Jo, J., Kong D., & *Park, H. (In revision). Stretchable Fiber Optic-Embedded Gait Monitoring Insole. Clothing and Textile Research Journal (Impact factor: 1.9)
Jo, J. & *Park, H, (In revision). Battery-Free Head Orientation Measurement Using Passive RFID Tags for Lateral Glance Detection for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Wearable Technologies.
Zong, W., Elangovan, T., Bogan, M., McQuerry, M., & *Park, H. (In revision). Survival Jacket for Homeless. Clothing and Textile Research Journal (Impact factor: 1.9)
Melissas, A., & *Park, H. (In revision). Hodino ̨̱hsǫ́:nihˀ Honored: a Collaborative Lacrosse Uniform Design. Fashion Practice (Impact Factor: 1.08)
Gyenge, A., & *Park, H. (2024, Under review). Assessing the Impact of Sustainable Certifications on Material and Product Choices in Fashion. Clothing and Textile Research Journal (Impact factor: 1.9)